1password Password Strength

((The comic illustrates the relative strength of passwords assuming basic knowledge of the system used to generate them. A set of boxes is used to indicate how many bits of entropy a section of the password provides. The comic is laid out with 6 panels arranged in a 3x2 grid. On each row, the first panel explains the breakdown of a password, the second panel shows how long it would take for a computer to guess, and the third panel provides an example scene showing someone trying to remember the password.))[[The password 'Tr0ub4dor&3' is shown in the centre of the panel. A line from each annotation indicates the word section the comment applies to.]]Uncommon (non-gibberish) base word [[Highlighting the base word - 16 bits of entropy.]]Caps? [[Highlighting the first letter - 1 bit of entropy.]]Common Substitutions [[Highlighting the letters 'a' (substituted by '4') and both 'o's (the first of which is substituted by '0') - 3 bits of entropy.]]Punctuation [[Highlighting the symbol appended to the word - 4 bits of entropy.]]Numeral [[Highlighting the number appended to the word - 3 bits of entropy.]]Order unknown [[Highlighting the appended characters - 1 bit of entropy.]](You can add a few more bits to account for the fact that this is only one of a few common formats.)~28 bits of entropy2^28 = 3 days at 1000 guessessec(Plausible attack on a weak remote web service. Yes, cracking a stolen hash is faster, but it's not what the average user should worry about.)Difficulty to guess: Easy.[[A person stands scratching their head trying to remember the password.]]Person: Was it trombone? No, Troubador. And one of the Os was a zero?Person: And there was some symbol...Difficulty to remember: Hard.[[The passphrase 'correct horse battery staple' is shown in the centre of the panel.]]Four random common words {{Each word has 11 bits of entropy.}}~44 bits of entropy.2^44 = 550 years at 1000 guessessecDifficulty to guess: Hard.[[A person is thinking, in their thought bubble a horse is standing to one side talking to an off-screen observer. An arrow points to a staple attached to the side of a battery.]]Horse: That's a battery staple.Observer: Correct!Difficulty to remember: You've already memorized it((The caption below the comic reads: Through 20 years of effort, we've successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess.)){{Title text: To anyone who understands information theory and security and is in an infuriating argument with someone who does not (possibly involving mixed case), I sincerely apologize.}}
1password password recovery

A strong password is one that’s either not easily guessed or not easily brute forced. To make it not easily guessed it can’t be a simple word, to make it not easily cracked it needs to be long and complex. Super computers can go through billions of attempts per second to guess a password. Try to make your passwords a minimum of 14 characters. This video describes how to change your current passwords to strong password created using the 1Password password generator. Please leave your comments. The password strength and security assessing feature in 1Password is Watchtower. Watchtower analyses your passwords, telling you about their strength, frequency of usage, and recent breaches. In case of a risk, 1Password doesn’t change the passwords automatically but gives you warnings. To create a strong password: Open and unlock 1Password. Select your Login item for the website and tap Edit. Tap in the password field. If the website requires symbols, numbers, or a certain number of characters, adjust the settings.

Use the 1Password password generator to make sure that your Master Password is unique, random, and memorable.

1password Password Recovery


For passwords under 12 characters, the strength score will be lower, and two passwords of the same length can have different strength scores. The user may set the minimum number of numeric characters that should be present in the password. Be wary of setting this too high, however, as a password that contains too many numbers will actually make.

You can change your Master Password if you already have one that you want to improve.

Your Master Password protects everything you store in 1Password, so it’s important to choose a good one. Your Master Password should be unique, random, and memorable, and using the 1Password password generator will guarantee that it is.

Your Master Password should be unique

The most common way attackers gain access to personal information is by obtaining a password you use for one account – often one that isn’t protected as well – and trying to use it for your other accounts. That’s why all your passwords should be unique, and this is especially true for your Master Password.

1password Strong Password Generator

Use a Master Password that’s never been used anywhere else.

Your Master Password should be random

The tools that attackers use to guess passwords are designed to account for all the tricks we use when we come up with passwords ourselves. When our passwords are analyzed by computers, they aren’t as random as we’d like to think they are. Let your computer suggest a password that’s stronger than the attackers’ tools.

Use a Master Password that was suggested by a password generator.

Your Master Password should be memorable

1password Password Strength

A unique and random password will thwart attackers, but it’s important that you don’t thwart yourself. For your privacy and security, no one at 1Password can access your Master Password or recover your account. That’s why your Master Password should be one you won’t ever forget.

1password Password Strength

Use a Master Password that you can remember:

1password Password Strength
  • Use spaces or hyphens between words to make your Master Password easier to type.
  • Practice your new Master Password regularly.
  • Write down your Master Password until you’ve committed it to memory.
  • Write your Master Password in your Emergency Kit and keep it somewhere safe.

Your Master Password doesn’t have to meet any specific requirements for numbers, symbols, or capital letters. If you’re not comfortable using them, don’t.

1password Password Strength Test

Use the 1Password password generator

1password Password Reset

The best Master Password is one you don’t choose yourself. Use the 1Password password generator to create a unique, random, and memorable Master Password.