Hestia Wordpress

IMPORTANT: We cannot provide support for requests that do not describe the troubleshooting steps that have already been performed, or for third-party applications not related to Hestia Control Panel (such as WordPress). Please make sure that you include as much information as possible in your forum posts or issue reports!

  • A stylish one-page theme perfect for any type of business. Enjoy the high-performance that comes with great user experience. Hestia’s beautiful material design is already created for all major sections of your site. Tweak the Homepage or the Blog’s ready-made designs directly from the Customizer.
  • I am about to migrate 100 WordPress Domains to a Hestia Machine and I have been doing some testing. For now, I have a script that: creates user assigns domain creates database uses wp-cli to install wordpress retrieves wp-content.zip via SCP unzips changes permissions retrieves database.zip via SCP uses wp-cli to import database I do not have a valid SSL yet since it is a test and I have not.
  • The free version of Hestia is a popular WordPress theme, in use on more than 100.000 websites. It’s simple, but doesn’t feel dumbed-down or unreasonably limited, like “free” versions sometimes can. It’s a capable theme, and you can absolutely build your website with it.

Hestia (Month of Sacred Hearth) lasts from December 26th – January 22nd). After the birth of the Holy Daughter and the festivities of Nativity, this is a month for family and reorganising our homes for the coming of Spring.

6 Hestia / Dec. 31: Sacra Hestia

This is the day our hestias (sacred homes) are blessed and consecrated to Déa Madria, Our Divine Mother God.

Hestia Wordpress Template


12 Hestia / Jan. 6th: The Epiphany

Win 8 for mac. This day we celebrate the ‘Showing Forth’ of Our Lady. In scripture, this was when Our Mother emerged from the cave with the Holy Daughter in Her arms to present to the world.

Hestia Wordpress Theme

Hestia WordpressDownloadHestia

21 Hestia / Jan. 15: Feast of Carmentalia

Hestia Wordpress Theme Download

The Holy Day of Women.