Shift F7

List of keyboard shortcuts for WordPerfect’s DOS-compatible keyboard (recent versions)

Help: F1 is the Help key in almost every software program available, including all the Microsoft. Shift + F7 'Shift + F7' opens the 'Research' task pane in your excel workbook. It provides the same output as you get by navigating to 'Review' Tab on top of excel ribbon and then clicking on 'Research' button. Alt + Shift + F7 'Alt +Shift + F7' keys don’t provide any output. Ctrl + Shift + F7 'Ctrl +Shift + F7' keys don’t provide any output. SHIFT + F7 = Choose the Thesaurus command (Tools Language menu), CTRL + F7 = Choose the move command (Control menu), CTRL + SHIFT + F7 = Update linked information in a word source document. ALT + F7 = Find the next misspelling or grammatical error.

Many people who use WordPerfect still prefer the old-fashioned DOS-compatible keyboard they learned when they first started working with the program.

You can count me in that group. When Windows versions of WordPerfect initially became popular, I saw no reason to change to the Windows keyboard. The keystrokes didn’t strike me as particularly logical and, despite the fact that it’s also known as the Common User Access (CUA) keyboard, the reality is that most of key combinations — with a few exceptions — actually don’t have much in “common” with the standard keystrokes for other Windows programs. What is the logic, for instance, behind assigning F7 to Indent and Ctrl Shift F7 to Double Indent (L/R Indent)? Do people actually find those keystrokes easier to remember than F4 and Shift F4, the WPDOS key combinations for Indent and Double Indent? Somehow I doubt it.

In any case, I thought it might be useful to provide a list of selected keystrokes for WordPerfect’s DOS-compatible keyboard (the WP6.1 DOS keyboard). Some of the combinations probably look familiar; a few might not.

I’ll add a post sometime soon that lists a number of the shortcuts for the WordPerfect Windows (CUA) keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcuts for WordPerfect’s DOS-Compatible (WP6.1) Keyboard

Shortcuts That Use Function Keys

Shift F1 — Opens the Settings dialog

F2 — Opens the Find and Replace dialog

Shift F7 Shortcut

Ctrl F2 — Runs Spell-Check

F3 — Next Document (like Ctrl F6 in the Windows keyboard and in MS Word)

Shift F3 — Previous Document (like Ctrl Shift F6 in the Windows keyboard and in MS Word)

Alt Shift F3 — Show Ruler / Hide Ruler

F4 — Indent (paragraph from left)

Shift F4 — Double Indent (Indent Left / Right)

F5 — Open File

Shift F5 — Date Dialog (press Enter to insert the current date as text; press Alt K, Enter to insert the current date as a code)

Shift F6 — Center (Hard Center on Margins)

Ctrl Alt F6 — Flush Right

Ctrl F6 — Decimal Tab

Alt F7 — Create Table

F7 — Close Document; also moves the cursor out of the footnote editing screen and out of the header or footer editing screen (back to the main document screen)

Shift F7 — Print

Alt F8 — Styles

Shift f7 on chromebook

Ctrl F8 — Font Dialog

F10, Ctrl F12 — Save

Alt F10 — Play Macro

Ctrl F10 — Record Macro

F11 — In addition to toggling Reveal Codes on and off, F11 acts to scroll text upwards by a few lines. This function comes in handy when text is at the bottom of the page and you want to see it better without taking your hands off the keyboard to use the scroll bar.

Alt F12 — Envelope

Navigation Shortcuts

Alt + L/R arrow — Move to next or previous column (Columns feature)

Alt + Up/Dn arrow — Move to cell above or below (table)

Home Home Up — Go to Top of Document

Home Home Down — Go to End of Document

Home Left — Go to Beginning of Line

End — Go to End of Line

Ctrl L/R arrow — Go to previous or next word

Ctrl Up/Dn arrow — Go to previous or next paragraph

Shift + any of the above movement keys — Select Text

Shortcuts That Use the Ctrl Key

Ctrl Backspace / Ctrl Delete — Deletes the word your cursor is in (or immediately after)

Ctrl Enter — Page Break (the same as the Windows keyboard and MS Word)

Ctrl Tab — Hard Tab (use in tables)

Ctrl Spacebar — Hard (Non-Breaking) Space

Ctrl Shift A — Select All

Ctrl B — Bold

Ctrl Shift B — Insert Bullet

Ctrl C — Copy

Ctrl G — Go To

Ctrl Shift L — Line Break

Ctrl Shift N — New From Project

Ctrl P — Insert Page Number (current page)

Ctrl R — Repeat Next Action

Ctrl Shift R — Redo

Ctrl T — Insert Paragraph Numbering

Ctrl U — Insert Underlining (or you can use F8)

Ctrl V — Paste

Ctrl Shift V — Paste Simple (similar to but not quite the same as Paste Special – Unformatted)

Shift F7 Thesaurus

Ctrl W — Symbols

Ctrl X — Cut

Ctrl Z — Undo

Shift F7

Ctrl Shift Z — Undelete

Shift F7 On Mac

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ins Shift — Paste

Shift F7 Function

Ins Ctrl — Copy

Shift F7 Thesaurus Not Working

Alt Ins — Insert Table Row (above the current row)

Alt Del — Delete Table Row

Shift F7 Not Working

Believe it or not, this list is not comprehensive. For more keyboard shortcuts, click the Help menu, Help Topics, then type key words such as “DOS keystrokes” — without the quotation marks. You’ll see several relevant topics. To read the instructions, either double-click one of the topics or click once to select/highlight a topic, then click the “Display” button above the topic list.

Entry filed under: Keyboard Shortcuts.