Thermodynamics Calculator

Ideal Gas Law

  1. Thermodynamics Calculators
  2. Thermodynamics Calculator Physics
  3. Thermodynamics Quality Calculator
  4. Thermodynamics Calculator Pro Apk
  5. Thermodynamics Calculations Worksheet

The Ideal Gas Law was dervied from three laws:

Boyle's Law PV=k, stating that the Pressure of a gas multiplied by the Volume of that Gas equals some constant, or that Pressure is proportional to the inverse of Volume. This explains why pressure increases as the volume decreases, as there are more gas molecules within a smaller space.

Charles's Law V/T=k, stating that the Volume of a gas divided by the Temperature of the Gas equals some constant, or that the Volume is proportional to the Temperature. This explains why a gas expands as it gets heated up.

Gay-Lussac's Law P/T=k, stating that the Pressure of a gas divided by the Temperature of the Gas equals some constant, or that the Pressure is proportional to the Temperature. This explains why pressure inside a sealed container increases as it gets heated up.

The Ideal Gas Law, PV=nRT, is a combination of these three laws. It states that the Pressure (P) multiplied by the Volume (V) is equal to the number of moles (n) multiplied by the Universal Gas Constant (R) multiplied by the temperature (T) [in Kelvin].

Chemical thermodynamics index The ideal gas law states the PV=nRT, where P=pressure, V=volume, n=number of moles of gas, R=the gas constant, and T=temperature. Most gasses act very closely to prediction. Let's start with couple of definitions: Heat is the amount of energy flowing from one body of matter to another spontaneously due to their temperature difference, or by any means other than through work or the transfer of matter. Historically, many energy units for measurement of heat have been used. The standards-based unit in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule (J). Online calculators for thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Gas particles in a container with a piston. The 'hits/time' on the piston are what creates the pressure. Thermodynamics Calculator Thermodynamics is the study of heat and work. It is a branch of physics which is concerned with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. There are four laws of thermodynamics. This online calculator can solve thermodynamic equilibrium problems, such as finding the final temperature when mixing fluids, or finding the required temperature for one of the fluids to achieve a final mixed temperature. The only condition is that there should not be any phase transition (or phase change) of substances.

An important thing to keep in mind when making any of these calculations is to make sure you are using the correct units, otherwise your answer could go off the scales, especially since the units will often cancel out with the Universal Gas Constant.

Here is an example problem and solution.

The combustion of methane gas results in the production of carbon dioxide and water according to the equation:

Eight (8)g of methane is consumed in this reaction at an initial and final temperature and pressure of and 3 atm, respectively:


(a)If initially there is exactly one mole of methane present for every two moles of oxygen, what are the partial pressures of the methane and oxygen gases prior to combustion?

(b) Calculate the number of moles of methane consumed.

Thermodynamics Calculators


(c) How many moles of carbon dioxide will be produced?

(d) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide produced.

Gases Calculator

Here is a large collection of online thermodynamics calculator which will help you to do heat and work calculations in the most simple and reliable way.

Thermodynamics Calculators


Phase Transition

Diffusion Length

Rolling Friction






Thermal Expansions

Critical Molar Volume

Van Der Waals Force

Thermal Conductivity

Mean Free Path

Flow Coefficient



Thermodynamics Calculator Physics



Voltage and Current


Thermodynamics Quality Calculator


Thermodynamics Calculator Pro Apk


Thermodynamics Calculations Worksheet

Try all the online heat and work calculators and simplify your thermodynamics related calculations in the most convenient way.
Thermodynamics: It is the branch of physics which deals with the relationship between heat, work, temperature, and energy. In a deeper sense, it is concerned about the transfer of energy from one place to another and from one form to another.
Online Thermodynamics Calculators: Here you can find calculators like Coulomb Lattice Energy Calculator, Electron Heat Capacity of Fermi Gas Calculator, Semiconductor Electron Diffusion Length Calculator, Van der Waals Critical Temperature Calculator, Carnot Cycle Efficiency Calculator, Convective Heat Transfer Calculator, Amount of Heat Energy Calculator and more.
Just pick your desired online heat and work calculator from this list according to your need and input the values to get the reliable results.